For Your Information, Danbo Danboard is a cute small ....Ndroids ? or toy ? ..
well basically is a small toy figure. Many photographer and other people would love to buy it and shoot picture of it. At first, this danbo really attract me, not only just for photograph, the simple design and the cuteness really really hit my mind real hard. so i look up in the internet to see any retail store which selling it and asking frends. Cost.. RM150. OMG so EXpensive. How can i Drag out so much money to invest on this toy figure.
But then, this toy give me some inspiration, Since it so simple
Y don't i build IT :D
So i spend my weekend to study this figure, materials and only cost me less than RM 5, but in different size without body XP, but i quite sastified with it
After that, i decide to shot it at outdoors and wait for clear bright afternoon with patchless cloud. So this is my result :
1) Emo
7) Stuck !
9) when things get to EMO
11) Chinapet ..Danbo
I was asking my brother to be my model, however it turned out i am the model, my brother is a photographer and last but not least MY MOM! become the model instructor XD .
1) It was way too hot in that box
2) My personal model instructor
3) OPS!
I really have alot fun with it, so what's next....i planning to shoot it during night ..the.Night Danbo ! so stay tune. And thx for viewing my blog >O<
C&C are most welcome
it's so cute !